Patricia Mathis, Director/Owner/President/Founder of Classic Services/NC Authorized Notary
Mrs. Patricia Mathis is founder and CEO of Classic Training Academy. She attended James Kenan High School and continued her education at North Carolina Central University and Durham Technical Community College, which paved her way into the medical field as a medical assistant. Patricia utilized this knowledge to work in various nursing homes, as well as Duke Hospital from 2006-2014.
As of January 2020, Classic Training Academy was established. February 2023 Classic Training Academy became licensed through the North Carolina Community Colleges as a Proprietary School offering various medical courses, entrepreneurship and CPR.
The North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges is not an accrediting agency.
This will allow many opportunities for people who are undecided about going to college, a different career pathway. Patricia is a pioneer in her community.
Many long nights of dedication and persistence have brought her to this point in her career where she has started several other businesses under her umbrella.
Classic Home Health Care & Counseling Services, Classic Caring Hearts non-profit, Classic CLIA Waived Lab. Classic Cleaning and Construction Services.